Which language or framework do you want to learn next?

Going to learn GoLang and Helm templates (charts).


You probably mean BuckleScript TEA ?!


Not at all, TS is vastly vastly the most widely used web language nowadays. Vastly


Since Xamarin Forms is going away (end of support) in a year, I am probably going to learn Avalonia UI. https://avaloniaui.net/


I am interested in learning Rust and Go.

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We really need to get more book clubs going! If anyone is interested and can get 5 or more people to join them, let me know - I might be able to get you copies of the book :003:

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I am learning Ruby !


I am going to start learning Kotlin… first time on the JVM


Why Koko? For Android dev?

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No real purpose, but to read the book From objects to functions… The other language I would have used for JVM is Closure.

I do not like Java, but have some interest in Functional Java.


OK? Yes that’s a new language. I’m not kidding around, OK? :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:


I want to learn Python now because it is high in demand.


I’m a iOS Mobile Dev, want to learn FastAPI/Python for backends for my future mobile apps. Also, I want to learn Functional Programming, because many languages adds features from FP and this paradigm becomes popular. My wishlist from PragProg/Manning: 1. From Objects to Functions Book 2. Grokking Functional Programming 3. Grokking Simplicity 4. Functional Programming Kickstart


Rust. And also want to look into Deno.


Too many to decide and learn all! :bookmark:

  1. Erlang to write better Elixir apps - sorry to all Beam devs :joy:

  2. Rust to write faster Elixir apps using NIF - ok, I’m starting to sound :crazy_face:

  3. Some gaming in general - no, this time not for Elixir apps - just for fun :game_die:
    For now I have Unity book, later maybe also I would touch gaming in Rust, OpenGL/Vulcan, HTML5 games in my 5th life and so on … :video_game:

  4. scenic related stuff :smiling_imp:

  5. svelte SPAs using routify with Elixir CQRS backend over Phoenix.Channel :chart_with_upwards_trend:

For a longer time I tried to learn Romanian + EU law language, but I don’t expect much here and most probably as always I would leave this topic to smarter people. :sweat_smile:


I totally agree! I’ve joined a project that aims to promote Erlang in France.

That’s because we’re next gen cool kids. The old one used to use Erlang and C :joy:

That’s what I use to work in my previous job with a front in Vue. Commanded is a very good library and I love CQRS/ES!

For me I want to learn better Rust, and continue building my own language with it.
And understand more compilers, JIT compilers, interpreters etc. And why not starting writing a language on top of the BEAM.


My focus currently is on ruby and ruby on rails, to be able to build more complex websites/apps.


Erlang, Elixir and Phoenix are on my list.
Long time ago I played with F# and fall in love in functional programming.

I was solving tasks from Project Euler and it was amazing how (some of them) can be quickly, clearly written and than solution works from the first run – and gives the correct answer.

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Interested in learning TypeScript, been doing JavaScript for a long time now.

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I am thinking about learning Go.

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