Japan government backs 4-day workweek

TOKYO (Kyodo) – Japan’s government plans to encourage firms to let their employees choose to work four days a week instead of five, aiming to improve the balance between work and life for people who have family care responsibilities or need more time off to acquire new skills.

The government included the promotion of an optional four-day workweek in its annual economic policy guideline finalized Friday by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s Cabinet.

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I hope other govts follow! :upside_down_face:


Yes. :slight_smile: But how many hours will then be a work day?


I would so happily work, say, 3 12’s rather than 5 8’s, my wife already does, lol.

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Three 6 hour days would be the sweet-spot imo :sunglasses:


That’s too much :exploding_head:


Yes, a 4 day work week doesn’t sound so bad. This will let people spend more time with family or with their hobbies.


I like my job though, so I wouldn’t mind doing it as often as I do, just more compacted into less days. ^.^

(/me has a bad habit of doing their job when not at work either…)

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Haha but then also too much for me. Sitting on chair for almost half a day 🥲


Get a standing desk! They are awesome! There’s even a thread or two on this forum about ones that members use:

Treadmill desks sound fascinating, I’m tempted… Lol


When I use my standing desk now it is either:

  • With my kneeling stool (lower)
  • With my exercise bike (high)

I almost never use it for standing :sunglasses:

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I always used to use mine for standing, I stood all the time at my last job, I honestly miss it… ^.^;

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Is your wife a nurse perhaps? My wife used to work 3-12’s when she worked in the women’s center at a hospital. She has a different nursing role these days though.


Yep, she’s an ICU nurse, works 3 12’s on average with an occasional 4th day, though much to her chagrin she’s often the charge nurse so she can’t really shuffle days around with other people.


I would definitely go for a schedule of 3 12’s myself with one caveat: kid’s schedules. Their schedules for extra curricular activities and such are usually not flexible in that regard and I would end up missing things that I don’t want to miss. Don’t have too many more years of that though


You two should start a programmers + nurses partners club :nerd_face:

How long were you standing for? Some people say standing for long hours can be just as bad for you - you often get people who work in an environment where they stand for long hours (such as shop workers) get things like varicose veins.

I’d like to try a squatting stool …this one looks interesting:


We’d always have interesting stories from the nurses side, lol. I’ve heard from many nurses, including my wife, that all nurses are crazy, and that you have to be to be in that field and not just go insane… ^.^;

It was about 10.5 hours a day, 4 days a week, for… I did it for somewhere between 3 to 4 years. Definitely no visible veins, lol.


I can imagine :rofl:

That’s still quite long - were you able to move around quite frequently as well?

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Oh at that job I was often going all over the place, it wasn’t just standing by far.

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