Which language or framework do you want to learn next?

Too many to decide and learn all! :bookmark:

  1. Erlang to write better Elixir apps - sorry to all Beam devs :joy:

  2. Rust to write faster Elixir apps using NIF - ok, I’m starting to sound :crazy_face:

  3. Some gaming in general - no, this time not for Elixir apps - just for fun :game_die:
    For now I have Unity book, later maybe also I would touch gaming in Rust, OpenGL/Vulcan, HTML5 games in my 5th life and so on … :video_game:

  4. scenic related stuff :smiling_imp:

  5. svelte SPAs using routify with Elixir CQRS backend over Phoenix.Channel :chart_with_upwards_trend:

For a longer time I tried to learn Romanian + EU law language, but I don’t expect much here and most probably as always I would leave this topic to smarter people. :sweat_smile: