What does your mobile phone home screen look like?

Let us know how you get on @DevotionGeo!

My router has a ‘ban-list’ so I could enter sites in there… but I know what I am like, if I want to visit a site I will just log-in to the router and remove it or use my phone’s internet to by-pass it :laughing:

Looks very smart/minimalist @wolf4earth! I have two further screens of apps that I very very rarely use, but it looks like you use even less than me! What are your most used apps?

I often get frustrated when I can customise something a bit too much, as it can take soooooo long tweaking minor adjustments sometimes. I like this about Apple products, that they’re not super customisable and for the most part they seem to be made to near enough what I would have customised them to anyway :smiley: