Currently looking into EventModeling:
Sounds like an interesting approach to designing information systems.
How does it compare to EventStorming?
I finished going through the book on Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP and Phoenix and now slowly going through a newly purchased book on Phoenix LiveView. I think I’m addicted to purchasing PragProg books on Elixir!
A lot of great Elixir books from PragProg. I wish I can buy them all.
Currently going through the PragProg Elixir book “Learn Functional Programming with Elixir”
Hit those giveaways, maybe you can win them all!
2 things:
- Finished my first project with and really liked it. Not surprisingly as it brings the erlang concepts to c#/java
- Started to use for my new website
I’m attempting to learn functional programming…again. I attempted Elm about a year or so ago but it just didn’t stick. Currently working through a couple of Elixir books:
Elixir in Action from Manning:
Designing Elixir Systems with OTP from PragProg:
So far, I’m really enjoying Elixir as it is making a good bit more sense to my brain. Hopefully I can find a small side project so I can really use it soon. I’m thinking maybe something with Nerves. I have a couple of side projects that a colleague built with Python so maybe I could rebuild them with Elixir and Nerves. That could be a fun learning experience.
Wrestling with the intricacies of bundler
– mainly why the fsck won’t it let me install a gem that I have as a .gem file already? I have workarounds but just letting me list the file would be much more convenient.
Great suggestion
Have a solid plan of action to level my fundamentals of Elixir/Phoenix!
1: Complete a for-fun Elixir project I’ve thought of(hashing program). Focus on testing practices and Elixir best practices based on textbooks I’ve purchased from Manning Publications
2: Run through basics of Phoenix framework via a simple monolith exploring basics of Ecto, DDD, plugs, etc.
3: Focus on a collaborated project with my friend by creating a Phoenix API.
Just a plan for myself to take up before my first day of work in early May
2 posts were split to a new topic: Programming Elixir or Elixir in Action?
A post was split to a new topic: Any tips on understanding recursion?
I’ve been working here and there on a project in Elixir/Phoenix to get more familiar with the language. It’s an old-school online chat; using LiveView, I’ve got most of the fundamentals working… just kind of wondering how to find out on the server when someone enters the room for the first time/leaves the room with all browser windows, so that I can store some sort of system message “X has entered/left the room” when that happens.
I’ve been working on a monitoring server for Raspberry Pi devices, using Phoenix LiveView, Tailwind, and the Chart.js library.
Currently studying how to use GenStage. Flow and Broadway up next.
I never used it, but I think you need to leverage here Phoenix Presence:
Thank you!
I’m already using Presence to track who’s in the chat room (to display a list of present users), but I need to find out a way to be notified when someone leaves the room (with all browser tabs) or joins the room (without still being present with other browser tabs) – and to be notified of this on the server-side, not on the LiveView side – my first naive approach was to listen to Presence callback in LiveView and store a system message “X has entered/left the room” whenever Presence gave me that sort of info, but that just resulted in everyone in the chat room storing this message (multiple times) whenever a single person joined/left
I recommend you to open a topic in the with as much details as possible, and with a link to the repo if is public.
Going to make a Todo List app customized for my brand of forgetfulness. I really need one, and every member of my family agrees with me on it (or I was forced to agree with them on it).