What dev-related stuff have you been up to?

Just spent some time updating my page to the latest phoenix version and tried the new live view file upload function. Like it a lot :slight_smile:


About to finish reading through Elixir in Action (such an amazing book!) and wondering what should I read next :thinking:


I ordered the paperback edition of this book, will get it by 16 August. Great to see the reviews are all good :grin:


Not sure if this system notifies you of replies that create new topics rather than staying in this one, so just popping the link in here: Mutation Testing


I am currently manually going through a couple thousand pieces of posted content so that I can ascertain the taxonomy for a project - argh! Only half way through but I’ll be glad when it’s all done!

I did manage to go for a quick walk around the block tho :upside_down_face:


I get to learn the basics of programming this thing:



We’re looking at the potential of using devices such as this from a safety point-of-view so we do not have to put actual humans into harmful situations. Lots of potential use-cases for that in our electric utility industry.


Just watched the intro video. I really wanted to see it shake itself off after the rain! :slight_smile:


Building a simple wordpress site, to do something else than work on the main app system - on one side it is refreshing, on other it’s crazy how much I’ve learned to dislike working with wordpress, after building sites with it for years :confused:


I realized that Pragmatic Studio has a free Phoenix LiveView course, so I’m gulping the available content by hectoliters – the production quality is so amazing, and the exercises following each lesson are engaging and fun to complete!

Now I definitely need to scramble some money for the full course :sweat_smile:


I started to rewrite one of my old PHP websites with Elixir/Phoenix, my biggest project so far using Phoenix.
Setting up everything with docker-compose, I wrote this:


I’m considering designing a Phoenix Channel client library for C. It’s going to be based on libwesockets lib.
Since an official Phoenix websocket protocol doc does not exist for implementers, I guess I have to take the hacking route.


Finally :joy:


Congratulations! I hope you’ll love the book as much as I loved it :heart_eyes:


Congrats @GermaVinsmoke! I am sure you’ll love the book - I think pretty much everyone I know who’s read has said they have :003:

With regards to dev stuff I’ve been doing myself, I’m just finishing portal Devtalk’s portal system over to another (fairly busy) site, hopefully it shouldn’t take a week or two more of my time, after which I can’t wait to get back into our book clubs and the other dev related project I mentioned!

PS I know I have a few PM’s in my inbox, but I haven’t looked at them yet as otherwise they will be marked as read (I wish discourse had a ‘mark us unread’ feature) but just wanted to say I’ll hopefully get to them soon and sorry for the delay :icon_redface:


I started to look into front-end development this past weekend. Design is not something I’m good at at all, but I hope that I can somehow overcome my handicap with the help of Tailwind.css and the Tailwind book from Pragmatic Bookshelf I picked up on Friday :sweat_smile: The goal is to become somewhat competent on both the back-end and front-end development :crossed_fingers:


You can try sass and BEM-naming


That looks very interesting, thank you so much!

As for my dev-related update (is it okay to post updated this often? The giveaway page’s bonus entries keep motivating me to both do something new and post about it here :sweat_smile:), our company’s scheduled speaker for this week’s global tech talk had to unfortunately cancel, so I was asked to step in as a backup speaker… without any preparation or slides this time :sweat_smile: So I’ll try to do some live-coding (which is definitely not scary at all :dizzy_face:) to show other engineers the magic of LiveView.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Have you seen the new Exercism site?

:wave: I’m currently working on refactoring the internal ofprotox (a library to handle protobuf which passes all conformance tests of Google) to make it easier for contributors to understand how it works.
Furthermore, I’m reading

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Not very active on the dev part, but doing exercism and completing Pragmatic Studio’s LiveView course.

Getting warmed up for a long haul. :slight_smile: