I am working on the “Your Turn” for chapter one and building out the restart button talked about on page 27. It recommends looking into the live_patch
function to patch the view and add the button. Many examples involving live_patch
I found on the web suggested something like
<%= live_patch to: Routes.live_path(@socket, __MODULE__), replace: true do %>
<button>Try again!</button>
but Elixir complains with
warning: Routes.live_path/2 is undefined (module Routes is not available or is yet to be defined)
lib/pento_web/live/wrong_live.ex:50: PentoWeb.WrongLive.render/1
mix phx.routes
says the helper is defined:
$ mix phx.routes
page_path GET / Phoenix.LiveView.Plug :index
live_path GET /guess Phoenix.LiveView.Plug PentoWeb.WrongLive
live_dashboard_path GET /dashboard Phoenix.LiveView.Plug :home
live_dashboard_path GET /dashboard/:page Phoenix.LiveView.Plug :page
live_dashboard_path GET /dashboard/:node/:page Phoenix.LiveView.Plug :page
websocket WS /live/websocket Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
longpoll GET /live/longpoll Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
longpoll POST /live/longpoll Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
websocket WS /socket/websocket PentoWeb.UserSocket
So I must be missing a use
or alias
somewhere? Help?