Planck vs Preonic vs Subatomic (Keyboards)

I’d be interested in that too Hallski :smiley:

Personally my feeling atm is that I might have been better off with a Moonlander for Ortho - like Svilen I am pressing the wrong keys and I think part of that is because its ortho AND 40%. Still early days tho…

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I have one of the Keyboardio Model 01s and I had similar issues with ortho on that. But that feels it’s just a matter of getting used to and after that is nicer (for me at least). Part of the reason I never got around to switch to it was that I’m worried it will ruin typing on other keyboards.


My accuracy has improved a lot after 3 days, and my typing speed too. I’m resisting using my MacBook keyboard, so that helps. It’s all about patience and commitment I think :slight_smile:


I cannot type reliably on a regular keyboard. I have both a Moonlander and Atreus. Switching between the two is fine. But I try to avoid switching to my laptop keyboard if I can.

The fact that I’m not even attempting to keep up what little skill I had on a typical qwerty keyboard no doubt attributes to my poor performance using one. So I think it would depend on if you intend and actually do use them both at least somewhat regularly.


Thanks for the reply.

It sort of confirmed what I suspected and the main reason I’ve held off so far (apart from the pile of keyboards in my cupboard :smiley:).


After two weeks or so, I would easily recommend the Planck EZ to anyone who has a bit of patience to get used to it. I’m super happy with it.

@Hallski I stilll occasionally switch to my MacBook keyboard, and it’s not a big deal for me. I do get some keys wrong but not a huge problem. Maybe because I’m new to the ortholinear layout, but I can still type on both (although I now prefer the Planck if I’m on my desk).


Thanks for the follow up (even though my wallet might not benefit…) :grinning:


So… I finally broke down and bought a ZSA Planck, it comes June 1st. I still have the Keyboadio Atreus, but I really wanted something that was easy to configure the same as the Moonlander. It will be nice to use Oryx to configure them both.


I ended up sending mine back :see_no_evil:

I just couldn’t get on with it and (maybe this is true for all mechanical keyboards for me) but it just felt like a significant downgrade from my Apple keyboard. From small things like the feel of keys, to the hue of the white, to the profile. In terms of size it isn’t that far off my Apple keyboard but not having dedicated keys for volume control, brightness etc was just a tad annoying.

I’ve come to the conclusion that there aren’t any perfect keyboards out there, and for me, a mechanical keyboard and their ‘feel’ just isn’t suited to me. It’s difficult to put into words but I just much prefer using my Apple keyboard despite its own idiosyncrasies.

I am hoping this will be good:

Let us know how you get on with yours tho Law! :smiley: