Whoo hooo they look awesome @foxtrottwist and @brentjanderson!! I was actually going to post earlier to ask whether they’d arrived but I didn’t get around to it!
How are you finding them so far? What do you think of the size? Brent, I noticed you have an Apple keyboard there, could you post a pic of the Moonlander above or below it so we can compare size please? Could you do the same with the Atreus please Law?
Are you both going to stick with Qwerty or try another layout? Edit: Law, I noticed you use Colemak so I guess you just haven’t rearranged the keycaps yet?
What are combo keycaps for?
It looks awesome! Are you planning on making any other mods, or is that it for a while?
Me too!
Please keep us updated on how you get on! I will definitely be curious about your progress, painpoints, etc
I wondered which switches you went for! I ordered the Kailh whites as I figured the click might help with getting used to it/touch typing.
I can’t wait for mine to arrive now!