How do you keep fit and healthy?

I really wanted to try something different this year as well, MMA or Muay Thai (any tips @mantyjaska?) as there’s an MMA fighter who has a gym not too far away.

Oh man, I somehow missed this. Anyways, never too late (as the probably is closed anyway).

For anyone over say 25 just starting out I’d recommend BJJ or submission wrestling (also know as nogi). Most gyms offer both in the same place. You can start taking MMA classes after getting the basics down. It’s easier on the body, if one is not overly athletic on the getgo,

MT is really fun and can usually be trained as a form of fitness (think cardio boxing), but move onto “proper” MT if needed.

Judo is a really good bet: it’s cheap, available and high quality.


Thanks @mantyjaska and no problem about the delay!

We have an MMA club here that offers BJJ classes, though I have no idea when/how they’re going to re-open thanks to covid. Are your clubs operating as normal there? How are they managing? How can/do you stay covid-safe?


We’ve had a few month period where clubs were not open at all, then training was limited to small groups (same 5 people, only 4 of such teams allowed in the building at the same time, etc.), then 10, then normal. Now we’re closed again for at least two weeks, starting today. The situation is not good, but not as bad as some places.


Thanks Jaska, I know that the health suite at my local gym has been shut all year (sauna/steam rooms etc) so I guessed MA clubs would have been too. I will look into it again next summer (I hate the cold :cold_face:) hopefully we might see a vaccine by then too.

Good to hear that things where you are are ‘ok’ :smiley:


@wolf4earth, you build/create your own workout/routine on fitloop or use some has there?

Because aI found this routine there called RR Triplets - Onyx, and it’s based on r/bodyweightfitness’s

I’m curious, just it!


I’m following the Recommended Routine from /r/bodyweightfitness. It’s the “Reddit Recommended Routine” on the app (here is a link to the “learning” program).

I tend to skip the core triplet because it takes me too long otherwise (1h30m) and try to do it on my off-days but more often than not I don’t do it then either. :sweat_smile:

The routine already does “enough” for your core but you’re obviously not gonna develop killer abs without putting in the work.


I found weighted exercises brilliant for abs, these were my favourite:

Can’t believe I haven’t been to the gym for the whole year :scream: :cry:


Why did the gym close down?

It just didn’t work out


I love running. However, due to the amount of foot traffic in my area I haven’t felt as comfortable going out as much. A big help recently has actually been Fitness+ from Apple. With a variety of exercises and a focus on flexibility (I’ve always been bad about this), it’s been quite refreshing. And the dance exercises despite my total lack of coordination has been really fun :man_dancing::laughing:.


As I don’t have big motivation to go running while it’s cold and wet outside, and my gym is closed, I got a rowing machine on ebay.
So now after work is done I’m rowing while watching something on Netflix. It’s quite good :slight_smile:


@dimitarvp - I would advise you have a look at the Rich Roll Podcasts or on youtube Rich Roll. You will find lots of interviews on topics such as diet, well being and sport. Rich Roll is a recovering alcoholic, Whole Food Plant Based advocate and ultrarunner.

I would also advise taking yoga classes or pilates. I personally do Pilates because it is a great companion routine for running.

That said, I would agree with you @dimitarvp, diet is key. First port of call for anyone wanting to improve wellbeing and health would be to look at your diet.
Hope this is helpful & Happy New Year


Just bumping this for 2021 following what Jesse wrote here…

I hope we’ll all be doing something to stay fit and healthy this year.

I can’t believe I haven’t been to the gym for a whole year and only managed a handful of mountain walks in the summer!

What will you all be doing to stay healthy this year?

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Drinking tons of water, aggressively taking vitamin and mineral supplements, destroying my mental health by always feeling guilty that I don’t work out more at home (and still haven’t managed to move more than once a week, and even then it’s no more than 20 minutes :frowning: ), and making sure I take breaks from my work every now and then. The standing desks help a lot with this – it might be static and idle standing but it’s still better than sitting for 8+ hours.

But in general, I am not doing much. Truth is, cardio is the best exercise and I almost don’t do any of that.

Never thought I’ll say it but I do miss the gym. A lot.


We just bought a rowing machine! A friend of mine has one and spoke very highly of it. It’s wet and dark here in Portland half+ of the year, so if I’m going to be stuck at home I may as well get a good workout in.

I need to get a new stem and bars, but I’ll be going for more rides on my bike too. It’s a custom titanium frame but it’s not really designed for long rides.


Is it bottled mineral water? I do not drink or cook with tap(/chlorinated!) water myself :upside_down_face: I would love to find a natural source somewhere local and then use a filter.

Walking is amazing, but ‘chronic cardio’ could be detrimental. Short bursts like Tabata sprints are excellent too. Generally I take that if something is similar to what our ancestors would have done then it’s possibly a good indication of being appropriate and good for us.

Haha well done! I will hold you to going back to it when it’s safe to do so :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah nice! I’ve always wanted one of those!

I did have a standard air rower once, but got bored after a few months :see_no_evil: :joy: and ended up giving it away.

I am thinking about putting a squat rack and bench in my little workshop in the garden - I was thinking about putting a sauna in there, but I think that would be better inside the house since it is something I would like to use last thing at night just before bed… and I can see me being put off if the sauna is at the end of the garden when it’s freezing cold here (which it often is!).

I wonder if we have any sauna fans here? Reckon we could start a thread just for that! Or perhaps a ‘projects’ thread… something we all work on or plan on doing this year :nerd_face:

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I don’t :grimacing::sweat_smile:

This is bad… :joy:


Try to put some cardio exercise on youtube, the youtube has a ton of cardio training with timers, just pick some fit with your free time…


I have a fairly dusty room… I know, I should clean it up from floor to ceiling but it’s likely going to take an entire weekend so putting it off…

Cardio really does help me A LOT. Gyms are getting opened here next week! :partying_face: Me and my wife will definitely grow some roots in the gym. :smiley:

Also just got gifted the Nintendo Switch’s Ring Fit Adventure, I’ll try that too. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the advice. I really have to kill all dust in my room and I’ll be able to apply it.


My girlfriend and I started Tim Ferris’ Slow Carb diet on January 10th (17 days ago). So far I’ve lost 3.3 kg (7.3 lbs)

The diet is great in the sense, as my girlfriend says, you’re only on a diet 6 days in a week, the 7th day is cheat day, where we eat whatever we want (yes, whatever!)

I post pictures on of what we eat. Today is pulled chicken burrito bowl. Saturday is ice cream, pizza, candy and a lot of soda. :tropical_drink::pizza:


It is Mr GD! :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s always time to start tho :smiley: (Diet is a great place to, along with just walking after each major meal as it helps with gut motility)

Do you mean like HIIT/Tabata training? If so that’s a great idea and is proven to beat lots of other types of exercises. I also like it because I feel it’s closer to what our ancestors would have done (hunting/running away from prey etc) :smiley:

Haha well done Dimi!!! I want to hear about your progress :nerd_face:

In fact, maybe start a #community:journals about it? It might help keep you motivated!

I actually want to extend and turn my workshop into a small gym (only need a squat rack and bench really as I prefer free-weights over machines). Might even have a go at doing all the work myself :scream: :joy:)

Nice! What was your starting weight/or what’s your goals? I reckon you should keep a journal too haha!

I was curious so looked it up:

Rule #1: Avoid “white” starchy carbohydrates (or those that can be white). This means all bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and grains. If you have to ask, don’t eat it.

Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again, especially for breakfast and lunch. You already do this; you’re just picking new default meals.

Rule #3: Don’t drink calories. Exception: 1-2 glasses of dry red wine per night is allowed.

Rule #4: Don’t eat fruit. (Fructose –> glycerol phosphate –> more bodyfat, more or less.) Avocado and tomatoes are excepted.

Rule #5: Take one day off per week and go nuts. I choose and recommend Saturday.

Might as well go Paleo :nerd_face:

Personally I am not a fan of ‘cheat days’ - if losing weight is you ‘only’ objective then maybe it doesn’t matter so much, but I personally feel health (not weight) should be the focus. Things like bad fats, certain additives and processed sugars etc, are incredibly bad for your health.

I often recommend the Paleo diet as it’s a really good place to start - it’s very popular so there are a ton of recipes out there and it’s popular with both males as well as females (often men are less inclined to follow ‘diets’).

Either way I am glad you are enjoying getting healthier :smiley: