If so, what was the last blog post you wrote… and if not, why not?
I don’t blog under my own name. It’s not worthwhile for the following reasons:
- You can’t just blog. You’re all but invisible without social media.
- Every social media site is a virtual sacrifice zone.
- Everything you say online under your own name will eventually be held against you.
I do some blogging in gemini space under a pseudonym, but I won’t provide a direct link here.
Hopefully our trending lists might help with that
I do my best to be positive when speaking publicly because I generally don’t like negative energy. However I appreciate that sometimes you have little other choice, particularly if there could be a net positive outcome.
With regards to blogging, I miss the days when people had their own blogs - I felt they reflected their personality a little, now, with giant platforms they all just seem somewhat sterile and lacking
Be that as it may, I just don’t care much for the climate right now. I don’t feel as safe sharing my thoughts as I used to, and I don’t care much for it. It’s not the government that worries me; it’s corporations deciding that they have a right to police what I do when I’m not on the job and deciding that I’m not suitable for a position for which I’m qualified because of something I wrote a year or a decade ago.
Maybe I’ll feel freer when I retire—assuming I even get to retire. But for now, I write and keep most of it to myself. What I can’t suppress, I publish under a pseudonym.
I started writing some things this year on my own blog, as I don’t like the big platforms.
Last entry is: Deploy a Phoenix app to Microsoft Azure with Docker
Even if nobody ever finds my page, it’s a good way to keep my how-tos for myself
Almost never blog, but I think it was at https://blog.overminddl1.com or so.
…what’s a Hyperglot Programmer ODL?
Lol, a stupid name I came up with a while back just to be a shortened form of hyperpolyglot. ^.^;
Ah right, I thought it was some variation on polyglot, haha
I was blogging several years ago, then when I realized that most of the work was caring about the self-hosted blogging platform (security patches, fixes, features implementation, updates…) I stopped.
Some month ago I tried Jekyll and rediscovered the pleasure of writing and sharing my notes so I decided to restart at: https://freeaptitude.altervista.org.
I just write from time to time some of my experiences in programming or system tweaks, nothing that I do regularly, but I like to mess up with SEO and other publishing issues for my personal interest
I like to write blogs. I have written some of my blogs on medium. It just help me to explain things little better and you think a lot of stuff into one blog. The last blog I have written here do checkout
I do blog. Right now parental leave is kicking my butt so the last one is a month old: http://underjord.io/more-than-one-thing-at-a-time.html
Right now I blog at dasdom.github.io. It’s a Jekyll site I’m porting to Publish at the moment. I’m also planning to get a domain for it.