Your Code as a Crime Scene: first usage of maat fails (27)

Attempting to run
maat -l maat_evo.log -c git -a summary1 results in errors.

Invalid argument:  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: input: format[d804759] Adam Petersen 2013-09-24 Documented tree map visualizations
, reason: Parse error at line 1, column 1:
format[d804759] Adam Petersen 2013-09-24 Documented tree map visualizations

This is Code Maat, a program used to collect statistics from a VCS.
Version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT

This appears due to an inability to parse the word format at the beginning of several lines of maat_evo.log.

This error was caused by maat’s sensitivity to the format of its input and a typo I made in the git log to generate maat_evo.log.

The command has to be exactly the following with the colon followed immediately by [%h], without any whitespace:
git log --pretty=format':[%h] %aN %ad %s' --date=short --numstat --before=2013-11-01 > maat_evo.log

Then, every non-blank line of the log will start with either a number or an opening bracket and the matt summary will succeed.