Why is LinkedIn so cringe?

Why is LinkedIn so cringe?.
The answer is in its business model and algorithm.

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It’s good that I haven’t updated my LinkedIn account for many years now. :slight_smile:


LinkedIn is a classic echo chamber but believe me, you can make some very solid connections that will net you business and money down the road. It all depends on how much you are willing to be exposed to some BS. But even that you can control quite well IMO.


This article seemed to pretty well sum up why I hate linkedin, couldn’t really elucidate on it before, but yeah “cringe” is a good word for it, the whole place just feels exceptionally “wrong” and fake…


I don’t even have a LinkedIn account :lol:


Some people prefer to post their articles/write-up on Linkedin. Some people prefer Medium, Hashnode or Dev.to.But I don’t like the Linkedin ecosystem and prefer self hosting.


Of course it’s fake, it’s almost completely about hiring, and that is almost entirely fake, at least in our line of work. They even gave up any pretense long ago, of being about helping people keep in touch who know each other from real life, which was a big thing in their early days. Then it quickly became about quantity over quality, and that was perfect for the spammy recruiters who now make up the majority of the contacts an average LinkedIn user receives.