Which web frameworks are popular in 2020?

Partly interested in this so we can set up tags, but also because I’m out of touch with which frameworks are hot right now and I’m curious! :nerd_face:

I’ll add two to begin with:

Please include links if you can…


Rust’s Rocket, definitely.

It steps on Hyper.

Others stepping on Hyper (not sure how mature or good they are though):


Again on Rocket.rs (built on hyper*), it has such a nice and expandable API, makes it super easy to add middleware like things on anything super simply in ways I haven’t seen before, in addition to guards, fallbacks, etc… I want Phoenix to absorb a few of it’s features (basically just need a Router and Controller replacement, a library could do it).

Warp is also fast growing, it’s more “thin” but super fast and easy to use.