When will the book Agile Web Development in Rails 8 release?

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know when will “Agile Web Development in Rails 8” by Pragmatic Bookshelf release. I’m eager to dive into the latest Rails content and would love to hear if anyone has any updates!



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We don’t have a specific date yet, but we are working on the beta release. Keep an eye out over the next several weeks. If you subscribe to our newsletter, that is where we announce the new beta releases:

Thanks for asking!


It is just a moment the web agile book upgraded to 7.2…


Thank you @Margaret!

In the light of @adamaiken89’s message, do you think the version of the book for Rails 7.2 will be discontinued and replaced with its version for Rails 8?

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It will be something like the current arrangement with the books for v7 and v7.2. See the message at the top of this page: Agile Web Development with Rails 7 by Sam Ruby


Awesome. Thanks!

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