Mine is Firebase because it is easy to learn and fast .
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Well I do like Elixir in the back end, with PostgreSQL.
For the architecture, I use Commanded
at work. It was complicated to grasp at first but now it makes a lot more sense.
Not a great fan of document based databases.
For me Elixir’s solves all the problems I can encounter. Lately I’ve used GenStage to handle synchronisation on some events. I’m eager to see how it’d be handled in another language.
I’d use Rails for simpler projects, and Phoenix for more ambitious projects
Man, Node guy
For things I’m getting paid I’d take C# with the akka framework so I can use actors. It’s what I know best so I’m fastest.
For private projects I’d choose erlang or elixir/phoenix, as it’s most interesting for me.
Baby Got Back-End Stack?
I wonder how expensive firebase gets with a lot more traffic?
Way too expensive XD, if using Firestore
Have you checked Supabase?
The Firebase alternative using Postgres.
Sounds a lot better than Firebase.
Cheaper, too. And in very active development.
ASP.NET Core in my case
For me it’s Elixir and Phoenix combined with PostgreSQL.
I’ve been using this stack for the past 4 1/2 years as my day-to-day language and I’m very happy with it.
I’ve always wanted to dabble more with serverless applications, as I can certainly see the appeal. I’m convinced that the serverless paradigm can be very powerful for some types of applications, haven’t really gotten around to that though.
Would you have some recommendations for resources about the “Commanded” architecture? I’ve never heard of it before.
Sure. First of all I’ve watched Ben Smith talk about CQRS/ES at Code Sync
Also follow the get started with Commanded.
And get his book.
To quote Ben Smith himself
Conduit is an open-source, example Phoenix 1.3 web application implementing the CQRS/ES pattern in Elixir. It was built to demonstrate the implementation of Commanded in an Elixir application for the Building Conduit book.
I got some hard times in the beginning so, be sure to clone the repo of him and use it as your base. Otherwise, the changes will make you sweat
Oh nice, thanks! Will look into them!
I am using rails for years. For work, I use expressjs and gin.
Now I am searching for resources for oak (typescript).
NodeJS and Django, Redis and MariaDB.
I hope Ben will still finish the book