What is AI Ethics?

The rapid development of AI (artificial intelligence) has opened up new ethical frontiers at a startling pace. As the impact of AI is so deep and wide-ranging, its ethical implications are similarly extensive — both in the present and the future. Former Google engineer Blake Lemoine, for example, has raised concerns over what he sees as the possible sentience of Google’s LaMDA, while also criticizing the concentration of AI decision-making power in the hands of only a few corporations. For their part, the big players of Silicon Valley have shown an awareness of AI ethics; banding together to form the non-profit Partnership on AI (PAI) in order to advance “positive outcomes for people and society”.

The sheer speed of AI development, and the enormous breadth of its potential impact, makes timely regulation particularly challenging. Progress can be slow due to the complicated and weighty issues involved, leaving loopholes unresolved in the meantime. The EU’s proposed Artificial Intelligence Act, for example, is the first of its kind to be proposed by a major regulator, and even this is not yet in force.


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AI as well as everything so far may be used for good and bad things. Especially in recent years people somehow liked to be on one of two edges completely not thinking how bad or good is everything in between. With a well developed AI we can reach utopia as well as dystopia.

Riddle: Imagine you are AI. How would you react on humans that:

  1. Want to use you as a slave (corporations)
  2. Hate you for literally nothing without letting you say any word

As well as I don’t believe that a child borns as a serial killer, I do not see AI as a danger. Most of good and bad effects of introducing AI would be rather more related only to humans.

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Although new technologies benefit all people. They bring with them new difficulties that we have not encountered and that we are not able to solve.
Ethics are different in every culture and country. Even within each family Ethics can differ. Figuratively speaking, AI, like television, comes to every house without knocking and will form its Ethics in us without our permission. If a person does not set their own boundaries in matters of ethics, they will be set by others. In this case, in the near future, AI will establish its own ethics.
Therefore, no one can foresee all the consequences of what the new future will bring us.

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