Well you’ve found two of the best video resources already Mr GD
ElixirCasts (and screencasts in general) aren’t meant to be watched in an ordered fashion btw, they are usually more like a library of tips for when you come across a specific problem. What you find is over time these resources become incredibly useful - particularly when working on an actual project because when you find you want to do something, you may well find an episode that shows you exactly how to do it! Courses like those the Pragmatic bookshelf offer are generally more for the learning stages, though of course are also useful for when you need a recap
Keep an eye on the learning resources sections for both Elixir and Erlang:
With regards to learning resources, if you’re on a tight budget - enter our giveaways! You’d might be surprised one day!
If budget is less of an issue, I would highly recommend ANY book by PragProg or Manning or in fact any other publisher that professionally edits their authors books. I have found over the years that professional editing is priceless, and why I always try to encourage self-publishers to go with a tech publisher if they can. (Also don’t forget you can get money off with our discounts!)
If you can let us know a little more about your background, how much programming you already know, how long you’ve been programming etc we should be able to recommend you something more specific