J. David Eisenberg
edited by Andrea Stewart
ReasonML is a new, type-safe, functional language that compiles to efficient, readable JavaScript. ReasonML interoperates with existing JavaScript libraries and works especially well with React. With ReasonML, you get OCaml’s strong static type system with an excellent type inference engine, pattern matching, and features for functional programming with immutable variables. ReasonML also allows flexibility with opt-in side effects, mutation, and object-oriented programming. ReasonML hits the sweet spot between the pure theoretical world and the laissez-faire approach of JavaScript.
Gain expressive power as you write functions with named parameters and currying. Take advantage of ReasonML’s lists and arrays with map and reduce functions. Discover new ways to write algorithms with ReasonML’s recursion support. Interoperate with existing JavaScript libraries with bindings, and write reactive web applications using ReasonML in tandem with React.
With ReasonML, harness the power of a functional language while retaining the best features of JavaScript to produce concise, fast, type-safe programs.
“J. David Eisenberg has put together the best starter manual on ReasonML. Anyone who wants access to build more robust web applications using ReasonML’s powerful toolchain should definitely give this a read.”
–Lewis Chung, CTO, ShopWith
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