Hello everyone,
Does anybody uses Web Components in 2020? It’s quite old, but recently it seems to have some kind of revival.
I have been toying around lately, and made a wasm web component with Rust.
It is not meant to be a framework replacement, but can work with any… For fun I also made a Web Component in React.
The main advantage is it’s portability. After all, it’s just an html tag, but powered by anything under the hood.
Thanks for taking time…
I haven’t but I plan to use HTMX for own project in a few weeks (or months). Have you checked that one out?
I did not know about Htmx, looks nice 
BTW it’s possible to build a Web Component, using phoenix.js, and connecting to a topic defined in its attributes. Something like…
<phx-chat topic="chat:1"></phx-chat>
Hi! There are lots of examples of using web components in 2020, including component libraries by Microsoft, IBM, Salesforce, SAP and more.
If you are interested, check out this collection of web components resources: https://github.com/mateusortiz/webcomponents-the-right-way
I’ve always liked the idea of building apps as a series of components and not just for the frontend - I really liked how Volt was planning to bring it to the backend too and would love frameworks like Rails and Phoenix to explore the idea.
Here’s some vids that look pretty good: