VS Code – What's the deal with the telemetry?

VS Code - What’s the deal with the telemetry?.
VS Code collects telemetry data to help understand Microsoft how to improve the product. Is it above board? Can I turn it off completely?

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Good luck with that :043:

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Sadly in line with every other piece of software these days. Got to get that data!

In this case there are great alternatives in Vim or Emacs though.


Yup! It’s also one of the reasons I still love TextMate - it only ever wants to connect when you are doing something that requires a connection (which I very rare with TextMate anyway).

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I know Vim but I’ve always used it as an extension inside another code editor / IDE, and occasionally for editing a small file in environments where Vi/Vim and Nano are the only options. Would someone recommend me a book or some other resource to help me setup Vim in a way that it replaces VS Code completely. I’m even willing to learn Emacs if Vim alone can’t do that.
I also own OniVim, but I don’t know if that can become a replacement of VS Code.

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There is a set-up guide here: Neovim - Elixir Setup Configuration from Scratch Guide - Wikis - Elixir Programming Language Forum but I think most will use something like LunarVim - I tried it and it’s pretty good.

PragProg has some Vim books: book-modern-vim and book-practical-vim-second-edition :023: (not sure if they include neovim or LS info tho)

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Thank you Aston! :pray:

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