The Unicon Programming Language

The Unicon Programming Language

Unicon, Unified extended Icon, by Clinton Jeffery, Shamim Mohamed, Jafar Al Gharaibeh, Ray Pereda, Robert Parlett, and team.

PDF available at UniconProgramming.pdf

Icon, an iconoclastic programming language. The design of Icon was led by Dr. Ralph Griswold at the University of Arizona, starting in 1977, as a structured successor to SNOBOL and refinement of SL5. Icon includes a rich set of datatypes and operators, generators, goal directed evaluation with implicit backtracking, text scanning, integrated graphics, and other complementary very high level features. The design facilitates powerfully concise, yet surprisingly readable program source code. All with an admirable performance profile.

Unicon extends the feature set of Icon by adding classes, a POSIX layer, networking, and a host of other modern development productivity enhancements. Development of Unicon is led by Clinton Jeffery.

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