I’m following the book building a ray tracer and would like to publish the code it as open source. I’m using the Cucumber tests from https://media.pragprog.com/titles/jbtracer/code/jbtracer-code.zip - Would be the tests be available/compatible with some open source licence? At least I couldn’t find anything with some searching?
If not, I could e.g. have a script that downloads & unzips the zip to proper location. Just a bit more convenient if I can add/enable the tests in the commits as I proceed.
In the ZIP file you linked to, there is a LICENSE file, which describes the license that PragProg uses for all original source code distributed with their books.
Copyright (c) 2017 The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC
All rights reserved.
Copyrights apply to this source code.
You may use the source code in your own projects, however the source code
may not be used to create commercial training material, courses, books,
articles, and the like. We make no guarantees that this source code is fit
for any purpose.
As long as you preserve that license for those files, and as long as you aren’t using those files for any commercial purpose (as stated in the license), it is perfectly fine for you to include the tests in your own public repository.
Well, I’m experiencing a severe twilight zone moment. You’re right, the LICENSE file isn’t present in the zip, but I swear it was. I could swear I pulled that bit I pasted in my reply from it.
At any rate, yes, please use the files with the LICENSE text I gave in my reply.