The Ray Tracer Challenge: Chapter 7 - Calculating pixel size

Hi. I’m working on this test:

Scenario ​: The pixel size for a horizontal canvas
Given ​ c ← camera(200, 125, π/2)
Then ​ c.pixel_size = 0.01

I’m doing this in Haskell, so I’m pulling the following from a Haskell REPL prompt that is doing the same calculations as my code:

> hs = 200
> vs = 125
> fov = (pi/2)
> 1.5707963267948966

> radians = (fov/2) * (pi/180)
> 1.3707783890401887e-2         ==> (0.013707783)
> ar = (fromIntegral hs) / (fromIntegral vs)
> 1.6
> hv = tan radians
> 1.3708642534394055e-2         ==> (0.01370864253)
> hw = calcHalfWidth ar hv
> 1.3708642534394055e-2         ==> (0.01370864253)
> (hw * 2) / (fromIntegral hs)  ==> (0.02741728506) / 200
1.3708642534394054e-4           ==> (0.00013708642)

I’m trying to track down where this is going wrong, and every time I double check my calculations, I convince myself that they are correct, even though I’m off by so much.

Does anybody see any obvious issues?


You are not off. 0.000137 is just another way to write 1.37e-4.

You have to read it as 1.37 * 10 ^ (-4).

It is called scientific notation.


Sorry, I wasn’t clear. That last calculation is the pixel size, which should equal 0.01. I was just showing the non-scientific notation values by adding the ‘==> (some number)’


I have confirmed the book uses only radians for angles, so after undoing the radian conversion, my answer was actually 9.999999999999998e-3. or 0.009999999. So, I had it all along, but just couldn’t see it.

That’s what a night of sleep and a helpful stranger gets you. :wink: