Hello game developers. I’m an editor at The Pragmatic Bookshelf. I have a book by our own Tammy Coron on Native Apple Game Development with Swift that is about 50% complete (175 pp) that needs 5 or 6 more reviewers. There are only 10 specific questions to answer, but we do ask you to read the manuscript closely and comment with a specific page number when you see something that is incorrect or unclear. We need folks at all levels from beginner to expert to get a variety of perspectives. You don’t get paid, but you get the book and our sincere gratitude. Review of the first half of the book is scheduled to start the 3rd week of July, and the second half will be early October. Comments are due back in 10 calendar days from when I send you the file and question set. If you are interested, please reply here. Thanks!
Sounds like this is going to be a very popular book! Swift is definitely on my to-learn list!
I wonder if @ohm might be interested in this since he started learning Swift recently - pinging him in case he misses the thread
Hello @Margaret, I am interested if my profile fits your need …
I can vouch for Koko he’s a moderator on the Elixir Forum and has almost 200 solved threads under his belt
I might not fit as a Swift programmer, but I do have a PhD in Computer Science and have had a course on game development, so I have a bit of experience.
I could definitely give the book a read and give comments.
@kokolegorille thanks so much for volunteering! If you don’t mind, send me an email at margaret.eldridge@pragprog.org and I’ll get you set up on the reviewer list. I may have everything ready to send at the end of this week, but more likely Tuesday of next week, so the 14th. BTW, love your user name. My fav Koko interaction is this one: https://youtu.be/cn79Lgfh1hw.
Hi @ohm! Thanks for signing up to read Tammy’s book. I am sure that you are more than qualified! I will put you down as a reviewer. Just send me an email to margaret.eldridge@pragprog.org.