Suggestion: .exs scripts for all CLI commands per chapter in source code .zip

I have a suggestion: in the source code .zip file, could there be some .exs files of all commands to run in the terminal that chapter?

Copy and pasting some larger snippets (e.g. maps) can lose some formatting (newlines/spaces), and is a bit trickier over multiple pages too.

For the generators chapter, I have put a few of the commands for “Your Turn!” into a file priv/generators_cli_commands.exs. It’s still WIP, but demonstrates my point:

# mix priv/generators_cli_commands.exs
# or `iex -S mix`, then enter line-by-line

alias Pento.Catalog

random_sku = Enum.random(0 .. 1_000_000)
product_attrs = %{
    name: "Chess",
    description: "The classic strategy game",
    unit_price: 10.0,
    sku: random_sku,

{:ok, product} = Catalog.create_product(product_attrs)

unit_price = 3.0

Catalog.markdown_product(product, unit_price)

Sometimes have multiple scripts may make more sense (e.g. for subchapters).
In this one, I made the SKU random so it can be re-run in its entirety multiple times if needed.