State of the Web: Static Site Generators

State of the Web: Static Site Generators.
Static Site Generators have been changing quickly with new trends like Jamstack. Learn more about the background of static site generators, why people use them, and the current state of them, with information on modern SSGs like Eleventy, Next.js, SvelteKit, and Astro.

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Nice article, it talks about partial hydration or component hydration.
But I would like to see some examples on how it could be done.


The article implies SSG’s are fairly recent, they are not, they were how things were originally done. ^.^;


This article is only advocating and doesn’t have much substance. Still looking for a 3-minute complete demo on how to use Zola with your own theme


what is Zola ?
(found some “weeding” site with same name only)


A static site generator.


hmm. looks quite “raw” :slight_smile:

personally fun of 11ty from everything that are over there on GitHub.

is there anything special about that Zola thing?


It’s fast, way way fast, built in rust, can extend it in rust without horrible javascripting, etc

What do you mean by ‘raw’?

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by “raw” I mean themes, docs, examples or very techy or very amateurish looking.

that’s fun to see your “horrible javascripting” note - for me it’s a bliss to have js on front and back ends :wink:

looks like this Zola can be fun for something purely technical like RSS and stuff - if it’s fast it will be fun to use for something like that.

going to play with it.


I didn’t get that from zola, it seems extremely user friendly, but then again I’m used to just writing my own SSG’s. ^.^;

Yeah javascript is an utterly abhorrant language. Typescript is sooo much better by huge bounds, but you really need to disable all that any horror and such to actual use proper full types.


100% typescript is a massive improvement. Semantically the same though, which on one hand starts to make me think about what the potential might have been if JavaScript were a bit more refined in the first place, but on the other leaves some frustration with typescript because all notion of types are stripped at compile time. Don’t get me wrong it is a reasonable design decision in some respects but at the same time there has been a good few times I’ve experienced where some libraries types have been wrong (this is less of a problem these days but was huge 5 or 6 years ago when a large amount of the typedefs were maintained outside of the core projects) or where the response from an API has not matched the type that has been written for it. It would be really nice if there was a runtime layer at boundaries to parse data into known types (like elm does but ideally with some chance people might use it) so that there is some validation that types do actually align with the data rather than just exist as a compile time hope that due to the nature of it being JavaScript at runtime can go unnoticed for quite some time before the problem surfaces.