Rust: The wrong people are resigning

Rust: The wrong people are resigning.
Rust: The wrong people are resigning. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

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It seems Rust has a questionable leadership and there is drama, yet again. But it looks like a fantastic language to learn and use, and probably a great community.

I will not learn and/or use a fantastic language with a toxic leadership.

There have been similar events in the Node world… with Douglas Crockford been removed from a talk

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Oh. It’s sad!

I found the tweet on the Internet Archies.

I remember when Brian Ford gave his famous talk “Is Node.js Better?” at a JSConf around 10 years ago. The entire Node community responded in a very hostile way.

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Unfortunately Opensource project can also become toxic…

Too many people with different opinions :slight_smile:

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Yes, you’re right! I hope the Rust leadership rectifies their mistake. I like the language.

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