Is the book’s epub format available to read on Google Play Books?
The second edition is not on Google books yet. I did see the first edition on Google Play Books, and it looks like price-wise, you’d be better off to purchase directly from pragprog (which also has the epub format). If you use the “” coupon code, you end up paying under $17 USD. Meanwhile, the first edition on Google Play Books is $37.99. Note that resellers set their own prices (in other words, PragProg doesn’t set prices on Google, Amazon, and so on).
If you are concerned with getting the epub file into your Google Books library, it seems there is a way: Upload PDF and EPUB files to your library - Android - Google Play Help
Yes, I’m just going to buy and download the epub of this book and upload it to Google Books.
However, can you confirm that the content of this book can be read normally after uploading the epub of this book to Google Books? Because I have uploaded other epub books before, but there may be a version difference in the epub format, which makes it impossible to parse the epub of that book.
Send me an email and I’ll help you figure that out.