Python concerns with the For Loop and While Loop

Hi, I’m now investigating the complexities of Python loops, specifically the contrast between for and while loops. However, I’ve had some difficulty understanding their distinctions and implementing them optimally. Here are some bits of code that demonstrate my areas of confusion.

Snippet 1:

# Using a for loop to iterate over a string
word = "Python"
for letter in word:

Snippet 2:

# Using a while loop to iterate over a string
word = "Python"
length = len(word)
i = 0
while i < length:
    i += 1

Here are the specific topics I need explanation on:

  1. While Snippet 1 (using a for loop) displays each letter of the word “Python” consecutively, Snippet 2 (using a while loop) produces the same output but does not include the last character ‘n’. What is causing this disparity, and how can I change the while loop to incorporate the last character?
  2. While considering the readability and simplicity of both loops, I’m not sure which strategy is best for iterating over strings in Python. Are there any rules or best practices for deciding between for and while loops when working with strings?
  3. In terms of efficiency, as demonstrated in this documentation, I’m interested about the overhead of using len() in the while loop to ascertain string length. What effect does this have on the loop’s efficiency when compared to the for loop’s implicit iteration?
  4. Finally, I’d like to understand the circumstances in which each loop type excels in Python programming. Can you give instances or insights into circumstances when for loops or while loops are very useful for certain tasks?

Your experience and instruction would be extremely helpful in navigating these complexities and improving my skill with Python loop constructions. Thank you for your help.