Not sure how much I missed but:
Anyone else been watching it?
I had it on in the background. Didn’t pay much attention. Don’t really like the design… I think the Series X looks much more sleek.
Oh I missed that!!!
Here it is for anyone else curious:
Not going to lie… I love it it looks like a futuristic space age character
I wasn’t so impressed with the games tbh, maybe it was the crappy stream but I was expecting something more like the UE5 demo: PS5 Unreal Engine 5 Tech Demo (I’m sure they’ll get closer to that in time tho…)
Yeah, I guess it more was just not what I was expecting!
The stream was very crappy, I don’t think it did the games justice. Unreal Engine 5 demo was insane… Very exciting to see what the future will bring! Our technology advances at such a rapid pace, its astounding.
I really really hope we see games of that standard running at 60fps
I get frustrated that it doesn’t advance fast enough Steve
Imagine what things will be like in 100, or 1,000 years time - actually we should start a thread about that
I got pretty excited about “Horizon: Zero Dawn” sequel. It’s one of the very best games I played (okay, my wife played it, I just watched, and it was still magical!).
I have read technical details about the PS5 some weeks ago (they were posted on HN). They did quite the impressive job. We’re talking an SSD that can support bring 5-8GB/s speeds! And a custom GPU, custom motherboard. They are quite serious.
I feel the PS5 might turn out to be a very future-proof tech. I’ll have to first buy a proper 65" TV with QLED and HDR10 (so basically Samsung, no other choice) first and I’ll buy the PS5 right after.