Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir: generator utf8() is absent (page 452)

Appendix 4
Generator Reference
(page 452)

The table has description about utf8() generator:

Generates to utf8-encoded text as a binary data structure.

Unfortunately, PropEr API do not has this generator. Link to documentation of PropEr API - link.

Link to unit() generator documentation - link. Link to vector() generator documentation - link. There are the closest places where documentation of utf8() generator could be.

Check if any generator is present in PropEr API, like integer() or tuple() via console:

lists:keyfind(integer, 1, element(2, lists:keyfind(exports, 1, proper_types:module_info()))).
lists:keyfind(tuple, 1, element(2, lists:keyfind(exports, 1, proper_types:module_info()))).

Check if generator utf8() is missing in PropEr API via console:

lists:keyfind(utf8, 1, element(2, lists:keyfind(exports, 1, proper_types:module_info()))).

Note that, the console should be lounched in pbt project folder, which was created in the Chapter 1.

proper_types src.

I get it! Now (after gaining experience with the PropEr framework) I understand that utf8() generator exists. :partying_face:
It is in its (special) part of the framework - module proper_unicode.

It would be nice if this function at its location would have some kind of footnote.