First time posting here and disclaimer, I work with Microsoft! I partner with Microsoft Research and there are so many cool projects underway we thought it could be useful to share more about them. One such research project is Coyote: Tech Minutes - Project Coyote Coyote gives the ability to write powerful, expressive tests for exercising the concurrency in your code. If useful to this community, when we have new projects I can continue to share. LMK!
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Welcome Orlagh and thanks for posting about Coyote! Is it designed to be used with .NET? If so I’ve added that to the title and moved to the Backend Libraries section (if not please let me know!)
Also off-topic… but I loved your Javascript screencasts: Free JavaScript for beginners videos from Microsoft and would love to see you do similar for TypeScript - perhaps you can nudge the team in that direction?
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Thanks Aston! It sure is!