Programming Phoenix LiveView: PentoWeb.LayoutView errata (56)

root_layout: {PentoWeb.LayoutView, :root},

This results in the following following error:

no “root” html template defined for PentoWeb.LayoutView

I believe it should be instead:

root_layout: {PentoWeb.Layouts, :root},


Thanks for this!

Was having the same issue and was quite puzzled since I’m new both to Elixir and Phoenix. Thanks for this post, this should be incorporated in the book!

This is correct. The book is running on, and describes, an outdated version of LiveView. So please be advised of that if and as you run into similar issues. Bruce and I are hard at work on a full upgrade and update of every chapter. The new Beta version of the book will be available for download in the next few weeks.

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Just letting you know that this was not fixed in the revision B10.0 dated 2023/09/06

Thank you for all your work keeping the book updated despite all the major changes.

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