Programming Phoenix LiveView: "Generator" tests fail if I do the exercises

I did the exercises in the “Your Turn” section of “Code Generation > Phoenix Authentication”.

As a result, when I did the generation at the beginning of “Generators: Context and Schemas” I had 110 failing tests, rather than just the 6 that the book tells me to expect.

Hi there! The book is not up-to-date with the most recent versions of LiveView. Bruce and I are hard at work on that update now that the first LiveView release candidate is here, and we’re targeting end of June/early July for the new release.

In the meantime, if you make sure to pin your LiveView version to the version used in the book, you should be good to go.

Thanks so much for your patience! It’s been a challenge to keep the beta version of the book up to date as LiveView continues to grow and change, but with the release candidate out, things should stabilize soon.

Sorry I’m not sure I was clear. The tests failed because I did the exercises at the end of the previous chapter.

Test failures mostly (all?) had to do with the fact that I was redirecting to “/guess” instead of “/” and because I had added the username field.

BTW I am loving the book!! Only posting here when I run into troubles / because you’re in beta.

Thanks for following up. Can you help me understand:

  • The tests failed before you completed the “Your Turn” exercise, or after?
  • You said the test failures were bc you were redirecting to /guess and bc you added the username field–so were these failures expected or unexpected for you?

They failed after I completed the “Your Turn” exercises, but I didn’t realize my changes would cause them to fail until I got to the next section where it said “run this generator” and then “run mix test”.

The book said “you’ll have 6 tests fail, and here’s how to fix them.” But instead I saw 110 tests fail and had to figure out how to fix them myself.

It was unexpected for me. I was able to figure out how to fix them, in part because the book said “here’s why those 6 tests fail.” But it was a pretty significant bump in an otherwise smooth cruise.

Got it! Thank you so much for clarifying. I will address this feedback as part of the next book release we are working on now :slight_smile:

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Happy to help! And again, if I wasn’t loving the book I’d have just given up on it rather than posting feedback :smile: