Programming Phoenix LiveView: Display Image Uploads (pdf p142)

The markup used to display the uploaded image results in a Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLTokenizer.ParseError error.

lib/pento_web/live/product_live/show.html.heex:19:10: expected closing `"` for attribute value

Thanks for catching this! The correct image tag code starting on line 12 of lib/pento_web/live/product_live/show.html.heex should be:

      alt="product image" width="200" height="200"
              (@product.image_upload || ~s[/images/default-thumbnail.jpg]))
              } >

We’ll fix that in the next release :slight_smile:

Hi, also related to uploads, on p. 140 there’s

<div phx-drop-target="{ @uploads.image.ref }">

and I think it should be

<div phx-drop-target={@uploads.image.ref}>

Right you are! Thanks for catching that :slight_smile: Will be fixed in the next release.

One more point regarding the image upload: you referenced the function upload_image_error/2 on page 144 but it was never declared anywhere:

<%= for entry <- @uploads.image.entries do %>
<%= entry.client_name %> - <%= entry.progress %>%
<span class="alert-danger"><%= upload_image_error(@uploads, entry)%></span>
<button phx-target="{ @myself }"
phx-click="cancel-upload" phx-value-ref="{ entry.ref }">cancel</button> </p>
<% end %>

Sure, when I grabbed the source code, I found the function but it looks a bit weird to not mention it at all (at list smth like an exercise to do, etc.).


When I use the provided code source and try to upload a file having one of the accepted extensions and the valid size, I get the error:

[info] JOINED lvu:0 in 1ms
warning: consuming uploads requires a return signature matching:

    {:ok, value} | {:postpone, value}



When checking the priv/static/images folder, I see there is a new file named live_view_upload-1644248654-356184564636173-8 created with the same content I tried to upload.
What am I missing?

Good catch! I’ll fix that for the next release.

Hi again,
Thanks for pointing this out. Looks like there have been some changes to the upload API that the new release didn’t catch. You’ll find the corrections here Programming Phoenix LiveView: book not updated to version 1.6 (p. 18) - #11 by SophieDeBenedetto and they will be reflected in the next upcoming book release.

Yep, me too.

Thanks for sharing your feedback! The next Beta release will correct this and include some discussion of that helper method.