Programming Phoenix LiveView B9.0: "The Promo Live View" section does not work without modification when using Phoenix ~> 1.7.3 and LiveView ~> 0.19.0 (p. 130)

Disclaimer: I hope all of this is accurate, and not the result of some stupid typo I failed to notice. Anyways…

This post comprises 2 issues in the same section “The Promo Live View”. The first issue is relatively minor, but the second issue required some digging to fix:

  1. The PDF e-book contains an image on page 132 that shows a basic promo page in the browser (ie. no form is visible). However, the code sample on the previous page contains a <.simple_form> Live Component which will not properly render until after the code below the aforementioned image has been added. I am guessing the intention was to show the basic rendered page before adding the form component. By adding the code snippet on page 132, the issue is resolved. No big deal. However, another issue arose as I continued…

  2. On page 133, the code snippet presents <.simple_form> component contains an <.input> component that binds the field attribute as follows:

<.input field={{f, :first_name}} type="text" label="First name" />
<.input field={{f, :email}} type="email" label="Email address" phx-debounce="blur" />

However, when using Phoenix ~> 1.7.3 and LiveView ~> 0.19.0, this results in the following error:

key :name not found in: %{
  id: nil,
  label: "First name",
  type: "text",
  prompt: nil,
  field: {%Phoenix.HTML.Form{
     source: #Ecto.Changeset<
       action: nil,
       changes: %{},
       errors: [
         first_name: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
         email: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
       data: #Pento.Promo.Recipient<>,
       valid?: false
     impl: Phoenix.HTML.FormData.Ecto.Changeset,
     id: "promo-form",
     name: "recipient",
     data: %Pento.Promo.Recipient{first_name: nil, email: nil},
     hidden: [],
     params: %{},
     errors: [],
     options: [
       method: "post",
       id: "promo-form",
       multipart: false,
       "phx-change": "validate",
       "phx-submit": "save"
     index: nil,
     action: nil
   }, :first_name},
  errors: [],
  rest: %{},
  multiple: false,
  __changed__: nil,
  __given__: %{
    label: "First name",
    type: "text",
    field: {%Phoenix.HTML.Form{
       source: #Ecto.Changeset<
         action: nil,
         changes: %{},
         errors: [
           first_name: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
           email: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
         data: #Pento.Promo.Recipient<>,
         valid?: false
       impl: Phoenix.HTML.FormData.Ecto.Changeset,
       id: "promo-form",
       name: "recipient",
       data: %Pento.Promo.Recipient{first_name: nil, email: nil},
       hidden: [],
       params: %{},
       errors: [],
       options: [
         method: "post",
         id: "promo-form",
         multipart: false,
         "phx-change": "validate",
         "phx-submit": "save"
       index: nil,
       action: nil
     }, :first_name},
    __changed__: nil
  inner_block: []

I made a couple small changes to get things working:

lib/pento_web/live/promo_live.html.heex (Modify the <.input> components)
  <.input field={f[:first_name]} type="text" label="First name" phx-debounce="500" />
  <.input field={f[:email]} type="email" label="Email address" phx-debounce="blur" />

I took inspiration for these changes by copying from the LiveView docs.

However, a different section of the same docs page suggests that the current approach taken by the book is discouraged and that a different approach should be used. I’m looking into this now (and I’m way out of my league… I am not up to snuff on using forms in Phoenix/LV) and will suggest a revised approach if I can 1) figure it out, and 2) get it working with the process described in the book.

Also, the example code in the section “Submit and Disable a Form” on page 138 would be a great place to introduce the Javascript function liveSocket.enableLatencySim to simulate client-side latency.

OK, I whipped up an implementation based on some of the examples found in the generated code created while I was working on the project. I don’t know if it’s better. All I know is that it works, it matches the style of the generated code (which I assume is reasonably relevant), and it matches the info I found on this LiveView docs page that I referenced in my original post.

defmodule PentoWeb.PromoLive do
  use PentoWeb, :live_view
  alias Pento.Promo
  alias Pento.Promo.Recipient

  @impl true
  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    changeset = Promo.change_recipient(%Recipient{})

    {:ok, socket |> assign_form(changeset)}

  defp assign_form(socket, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset) do
    assign(socket, :form, to_form(changeset))

  @impl true
  def handle_event("validate", %{"recipient" => recipient_params}, socket) do
    changeset = %Recipient{}
      |> Promo.change_recipient(recipient_params)
      |> Map.put(:action, :validate)

    {:noreply, assign_form(socket, changeset)}

  def handle_event("save", %{"recipient" => recipient_params}, socket) do
    changeset = %Recipient{}
      |> Promo.change_recipient(recipient_params)

    if changeset.valid? do
      {:noreply, socket |> put_flash(:info, "Form submitted successfully.")}
       |> put_flash(:error, "Please fill out the form correctly before continuing.")}
  Send Your Promo Code to a Friend
  <:subtitle>promo code for 10% off their first game purchase!</:subtitle>

  <.input field={@form[:first_name]} type="text" label="First name" />
  <.input field={@form[:email]} type="email" label="Email address" phx-debounce="blur" />

    <.button phx-disable-with="Sending...">Send Promo</.button>
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Thanks for your submission! We’re hard at work updating all of the code in the book for the latest release, and the issues you point out here should be addressed by that.

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I’m going through B10.0 and agree with point 1 of the OP. The B10.0 book, at the end of p 137 says:

Start up the server, log in, and point your browser at /promo. You should see the following:

But trying to view the /promo path at this point will throw an error because the code that follows on pp 138 is needed for the page to load successfully.

It would be better to not ask the reader to load the /promo path until after the code on pp 138 otherwise (as I did) the will end up thinking that the error was due to a mistake in the code they wrote rather than the fact that the code isn’t complete for rendering the view.

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For me the problem here was that the code for the <.simple_form appeared too early (page 136 and 137 in PDF B10.0 ). It is explained, and re-appears later on page 139.
Without <simple_form the live view worked, and seeing the page gave me a sense of progress. Adding the form on page 139, once the wiring was there, was smooth.

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Yes, this flow would work well as an alternative to give a good sense of progress.

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Thanks a lot! But we must also assign recipient, otherwise, we will get error below.

[debug] HANDLE EVENT "validate" in PentoWeb.PromoLive
  Parameters: %{"_target" => ["recipient", "first_name"], "recipient" => %{"_unused_email" => "", "email" => "", "first_name" => "A"}}
[error] GenServer #PID<0.1153.0> terminating
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in PentoWeb.PromoLive.handle_event/3


defmodule PentoWeb.PromoLive do
  use PentoWeb, :live_view
  alias Pento.Promo
  alias Pento.Promo.Recipient

  @impl true
  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    changeset = Promo.change_recipient(%Recipient{})
    {:ok, socket |> assign_recipient() |> assign_form(changeset)}

  def assign_recipient(socket) do
    socket |> assign(:recipient, %Recipient{})

  defp assign_form(socket, changeset) do
    assign(socket, :form, to_form(changeset))

  @impl true
  def handle_event("validate", %{"recipient" => recipient_params}, %{assigns: %{recipient: recipient}} = socket) do
    changeset = recipient
      |> Promo.change_recipient(recipient_params)
      |> Map.put(:action, :validate)

    {:noreply, socket |> assign(changeset: changeset)}

  def handle_event("save", %{"recipient" => recipient_params}, socket) do
    changeset = %Recipient{}
      |> Promo.change_recipient(recipient_params)

    if changeset.valid? do
      {:noreply, socket |> put_flash(:info, "Form submitted successfully.")}
       |> put_flash(:error, "Please fill out the form correctly before continuing.")}

Actually, the source code from have the latest code which works.