Programming Phoenix LiveView B9.0: Describe usage of client-side liveSocket debugging functions (p. 138)

On page 138, :timer.sleep(1000) is used in the server-side code to simulate latency. This would be a great place to introduce the client-side liveSocket debugging function liveSocket.enableLatencySim(). The developer can achieve the same latency by running liveSocket.enableLatencySim(1000) in the browser console, which allows them to avoid unnecessarily mucking with their server-side code. (I mean, who’s never left a breakpoint in their code by accident? Definitely not me…)

Then, to reset it, you could describe the similar usage of liveSocket.disableLatencySim().

Also, a link to the docs never hurts: JavaScript interoperability — Phoenix LiveView v0.19.3

Thanks for this suggestion! We’re going to incorporate it into the next release.