Programming Phoenix LiveView B8: Broken link (p. 26)

The link to live_patch/2 on the bottom of the page does not work. It seems this function no longer exists in the latest version. This may affect later sections of the book as well.

Looks like this is still an issue as of B9 on page 27 in the Your Turn section.

Show a restart message and button when the user wins. Hint: you might
want to check out the live_patch/28
function to help you build that button.
You can treat this last challenge as a stretch goal. We’ll get into live_patch/2
in greater detail in upcoming chapters.

As well as a link in the footer which points to

The rest of the book appears to be updated to use Phoenix.Component — Phoenix LiveView v0.18.18 but this paragraph was missed.

Indeed! You’ll want to use the link/1 function with the patch= attribute, see here Live navigation — Phoenix LiveView v0.19.5. This will be updated in the next book release. Thanks!