Programming Phoenix LiveView: B11 Typos

Page 100

Add the following snippet to your index.html.eex template:

Page 105

Our <.header> function invocation in the index template doesn’t make use of
the <:subtitle> slot, so the header/1 function component has nothing to render
when it calls <%= render_slot(@inner_block) %>

Page 140
it is impossible to see this view, because :form is referenced in html, but not assigned in code. clear_form is necessary, including the empty %Recipient{}

Page 141

more efficiency since you on longer

should be no longer

Page 34

I was confused by this code

iex(4)> reducer = &Number.add(&2, &1)
iex(5)> converter = &Number.to_string/1

shouldnt it be just?

iex(4)> reducer = &Number.add/2
iex(5)> converter = &Number.to_string/1

Since addition is commutative, swapping the arguments doesn’t change anything, and this version is shorter and easier to read.