Programming Phoenix LiveView B10.0: False assumption: SKUs have least 7 digits (page 161)

The “Give It a Try” exercise “Use Schemaless Changesets" challenges the reader to add a search by product SKU capability. The search form should validate SKUs:

Assuming that all product SKUs have at least 7 digits, ensure that the form validates the SKU input and displays errors when provided with an invalid SKU.

The “at least 7 digits” assumption is false. The first product has SKU 123456. The book showed how to add this product to the database on pages 75-76:

iex> attrs = %{
      name: "Pentominoes",
      sku: 123456,
      unit_price: 5.00,
      description: "A super fun game!"
iex> Product.changeset(product, attrs)
iex> Product.changeset(product, attrs) |> Repo.insert()