Programming Flutter (PragProg)

Hi everyone!

I’m the author of the book, feel free to ask or start a conversation about anything and I’ll do my best to answer or contribute to the discussion!

Also, in case you don’t know, I’m active on Twitter sometimes and I’ve got a blog which I consider to be a sort of extension of the book, as I cover many topics that people wanted to see in the book but that really would have made it go off the rails in terms of length if included.

I will answer (and have answered to those who have asked) any questions here, on Twitter or via email, depending on what mode you see fitting for what you want to ask or talk about: I’m totally up for any conversation, especially about the book and in general about Flutter: about how great it is, where it’s going, what are its advantages compared to other SDKs or really anything that doesn’t end up being toxic or slanderous.

Anyway, I hope many of you come out to talk about the book or Flutter over here, and I hope I can be helpful to you!