Programming Erlang (2nd edition): wrong type mentioned - 'atoms' but should be 'lists' (page 164)

Is this a typo, or did I misunderstand the sentence?

The excerpt from the book:
“The file must contain a function main(Args). When called from an operating system shell, Args will contain a list of the command-line arguments represented as atoms.”

I think it should read:
“The file must contain a function main(Args). When called from an operating system shell, Args will contain a list of the command-line arguments represented as lists.”

Please let me know if I misunderstood.
Thank you

Hi Valentin,

This book was published in 2013, and the author is not on DevTalk, so it’s unlikely you’ll get an answer from the author. One of the other readers may be able to weigh in. Try this book club page: Programming Erlang Book Club - #37 by Rainer


Thank you for your response.
It is true that the author cannot answer. Unfortunately Mr Armstrong passed away a couple of years ago :cry:

I reported the errata more out of curiosity for the process. It is my first time. It is definitely not an important issue.

Thank you, once again!

Should this title ever be revised in the future, this provides a valuable reference for outstanding errata. Thank you