Programming Clojure, Third Edition: "import" for MidiNote protocol does not work (page 186)

On page 186 (last page of chapter 7) it says “The first thing we need to do is import (not use or require) our MidiNote protocol from the examples.midi namespace”.

I could not find a reason for why import, rather than use or require, should be used in this case. I am very new to Clojure but as far as I can tell, “import” is used only for importing Java classes.

When I tried using generator.clj from the REPL by running:

user=> (require '[examples.generator :refer :all])

, the “import” did not work: I got the following error:

CompilerException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: examples.midi.MidiNote, compiling:(examples/generator.clj:11:1)

I removed the import statement and added the following require to the ns statement at the top of generator.clj:

(:require [examples.midi :refer [MidiNote key-number perform to-msec]])

After this change I was able to run generator.clj from the REPL successfully.