Poll: Which code editor do you use?

If you’re interested, we have a dedicated thread about it here Raphaël:


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These days I’m using VSCode but I’m starting to get back into Emacs. Doom Emacs looks like the number one contender. Why Emacs? Gnu Emacs was my very first editor in college and many of the keyboards are cached into my memory. :+1:t5:

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Seems like Zed removed Elixir syntax highlight option, which is there in previous versions. Anyone noticed?

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Vim when using ssh
Visual Studio Code when using desktop

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i mainly use VS code

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I still see the Elixir plugin that I installed together with Zed - also still there after updating to the latest version of Zed 0.152.3.
Did a fresh install on Ubuntu 22.04 from Flathub version 0.151.1 Elixir plugin also available here.
Also on the website: Extensions - Zed

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i recently switched from emacs to neovim

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Trying cursor recently. It is not perfect but it is one of the hottest toys.

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i’ve also been using cursor recently. its a fork of VS code with added AI utils. its pretty fun and sometimes useful too :upside_down_face:

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cursor looks good

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Been using Zed quite a lot lately. Fits the “snappy editor, with visual components” and vim-keybindings need quite well.

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using vs code

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