Poll: Which code editor do you use?

Personally I use PHPStorm, sublime text, vim, and vscode - all depending on what context I am working in.


For work, I mostly request licenses for JetBrains IDEs, in the past few years, I migrated between IDEA, RubyMine and most recently Goland, depending on the project language.

Whenever there isn’t a matching JetBrains IDE for the language I want to work in or when needing to do simple things like editing files using multi-line selection/multi-cursors, my go-to has nowadays been VSCode. In the past, I loved both Sublime and TextMate. Oh, and want to really try Onivim in the future, but I’m hoping to win the Devtalk’s giveaway for the license first :rofl:

Finally, neovim/SpaceVim for the shell/SSH, although I wish I learned more tricks for it.


My favorite editors are Vscode, code server and Atom editor


I have tried VSCode with a vim plugin but nothing works like vim as well as (neo)vim!


Hey all, I’m just putting together a poll for the Erlang Forums… and just wondered if this looks ok to you?

Which code editors or IDE’s do you use?

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Vim (or a variant)
  • Emacs (or a variant)
  • Atom
  • BBedit
  • Brackets
  • Buffer Editor
  • Codespaces
  • CoffeeCup
  • DroidEdit Pro
  • Espresso
  • IDE - Geany
  • IDE - JetBrains
  • IDE - NetBeans
  • IDE - Other
  • Komodo Edit
  • Nano
  • Notepad++
  • Nova
  • Sublime Text
  • Textastic
  • TextMate / TM2
  • XCode
  • Other - please say in thread!

I’ve tried to include what seems to be the most popular and it will be multiple choice :smiley:

Is there anything missing? Or does it look ok?


Magnetized needle and steady hands? Butterfly and magnifying glass? :wink: (xkcd: Real Programmers)

More seriously: nano, and some might say vi rather than vim so as to go all the way back.


I was thinking of ad Vi, but does anyone actually use it now :lol:

Good point re nano, since afaik, it is installed by default on many linux distros :023:

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I guess there’s XCode and NetBeans?


Thanks Mallory - added! :023:

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Thanks all… posted here: Which code editor or IDE do you use? - Chat / Discussions - Erlang Programming Language Forum - Erlang Forums :003:

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I’m using Webstorm, but I’d be glad to try onivim2


Hadn’t heard of WebStorm: The JavaScript and TypeScript IDE, by JetBrains - but yeah, you should give Onivim a go :003:

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is onivim still on development? didnt hear any news for a while.


Yeah, it stopped or at least stalled: Clarify project status · Issue #3811 · onivim/oni2 · GitHub

Not sure if there has been any development(s) after that.


But the license is now MIT, so there might still be hope :slight_smile: docs: Convert source code to MIT license by bryphe · Pull Request #3827 · onivim/oni2 · GitHub


I use VS Code for everything, they have an extension for all programming languages I use.


Doh. *not → now


Yes, I agree with you 100% here. My very first text editor was Emacs which I continue to use today as my backup to VSC.


They didn’t even release a binary for M1 Macs, and if someone wanted to compile it themselves, it wouldn’t be easy because it uses an older version of OCaml. I hope they are more serious than they look.

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I use Doom Emacs which is emacs with evil-mode (pretty great vim emulation) built-in. I still got to try those newer neovim distribution to compare, but I quite like how I can easily jump in the source code of any function I’m using in emacs and just patch them to my liking ^^