Planck vs Preonic vs Subatomic (Keyboards)

I’ve just had my UPS customs bill, so as a rough guide for those in the UK the total cost of this keyboard is:

Planck EZ Cost (UK)

£183.99 Keyboard
£5.42 (non-sterling transaction fee from the credit card company)
£34.61 Customs and shipping


The exact amounts will vary on the exchange rate at the time and what exchange rate your credit card company actually uses.

Were your costs the same @svilen ?

Also since I had ordered (and then cancelled a Moonlander), here’s what I would have paid for that based on what’s on my credit card statement:

Moonlander Cost (UK)

£282.68 Keyboard
£8.33 (non-sterling transaction fee from the credit card company)
£47.50 Customs and shipping (estimated based on what UPS charged me for the Planck)
