Phoenix LiveView learning resources?

Hello everyone,

I’ve started learning Elixir and Phoenix few months ago and while I mostly grasped Elixir’s functional concepts and Phoenix conventions I still have huge trouble building stuff with LiveView beyond simple examples.

Since LiveView is still on 0.XX version there are a lot of outdated tutorials on the web and new 1.6 was released recently so I can’t find any guides/books/videos from which I can learn to build interactive applications.

I’ve already read documentation but I find it too hard for beginner, especially stuff about Plug not working for LiveView, phx.gen.auth generating “dead” and not live views and similar.

If someone can recommend any learning resource that uses recent version of LiveView and builds something beyond counter (for example dashboard with multiple pages) I would be very grateful.



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The course from Phoenix LiveView Free Course | The Pragmatic Studio will be the best course I can think of.

Also, I am pretty excited for their upcoming Hotwire course.


Try Programming Phoenix LiveView: Interactive Elixir Web Programming Without Writing Any JavaScript by Bruce A. Tate and Sophie DeBenedetto :slight_smile:


Also check out our Phoenix learning resources section here: Phoenix Web Framework | Devtalk :023:

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