O2 unveils Daisy, the AI granny wasting scammers’ time - Virgin Media O2

O2 unveils Daisy, the AI granny wasting scammers’ time - Virgin Media O2.
O2 has today unveiled the newest member of its fraud prevention team, ‘Daisy’. As ‘Head of Scammer Relations’, this state-of-the-art AI Granny’s mission is to talk with fraudsters and waste as much of their time as possible with human-like rambling chat to keep them away from real people, while highlighting the need for consumers to stay vigilant as the UK faces a fraud epidemic.

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AI being used for something useful is always a good thing.

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Ok this is nice. I’m just curious as to how it works though.

What happened when a scammer calls you?
Do you have a way of activating Daisy?
Is it real time like can you hand off the call to her via an app or a code?

So many questions but this is still wonderful, I’m impressed!

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