My stepdad keeps saying that Apple is an evil company

On X, not wayland.

And different sessions are segmented regardless so can’t do it there in either case.

Ahh global hooks are fun!

At least here at my work (a college) the Mac’s have a whole lot more issues than the chromebooks (though the windows laptops are easily worst in terms of issues), so does that make the chromebooks the highest quality? Lol

I work entirely the opposite way. The more I pay the more I expect of perfection. The less I pay then the more I’m willing to fix my own issues as long as they give me access (and less access is roughly on par with higher cost to me, if I don’t have access then it better be perfect!).

Mine is of the Pixel line, very open, I have root access, can swap OS’s with ease, can fix almost any issue I run into (which is surprisingly few to none so far in the past few years) and definitely of the ‘higher-end’ tier. The openness allows me to do things that I just cannot do on iPhones, like my custom VPN, system-wide adblock’s, etc…

Yeah software quality is a big thing, but can’t blame that on the OS. Most software I use is very high quality though, I wonder if there’s much correlation with most software I run being FOSS unlike what’s common on iPhones.

Do I have root without resorting to hacks? Can I install a systemwide adblock? Can I replace it with another OS like linux if I so wish like I can on my phone?

Mine is that for me in all regards except battery. Heavy SSH use or heavy rendering or so will flatten my battery in 4-6 hours. I would happily take a phone twice the thickness to have 3 times the battery for example. I don’t get this whole lightweight and thin phone stuff, they feel breakable. Gimme a brick with tons of battery!

That’s from talking, not the RF. It’s literally infeasible for it to do anything to your head at anywhere within hundreds of times of the power level it puts out, and even if it could dump its entire battery into RF (which remember, is just light of a lower, I.E. less damaging, wavelength of light than visible light, so doing this would be like just a very bright floodlight from your antennae in the RF light spectrum) would do much much less to you than standing next to fireplace for a second, I.E. just barely warm up your skin. There’s just not enough physical interaction otherwise. To actually cause radiative damage you need to start getting into the UVC range, which is well above visible light. Below UVC the most light can really do is warm you up slightly, and the lower the wavelength the less heat it can impart as well.


Even more +1. Planned obsolescence is definitely a real thing.

My thoughts of apple, yes they are ‘more’ evil than many other big companies. I think companies like Nestle and Sony and such hold the crown on that, but Apple is more so than, say, Microsoft or Google due to how they produce information and try to hold on to things they shouldn’t, not to say MS and Google wouldn’t do the same if they could, they likely would, just they don’t right now.

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